How To Create Your Own Coffee Shop At Home

Written by Jess Snader | Jan 8, 2021 1:00:00 PM

As we are moving towards a more consistent work from home life, we have to find ways to get our morning coffee. Yes, you could go out, buy some, and bring it home, but wouldn't it be easier to bring it to you? We've listed a few ways in which you can bring the coffee shop or café atmosphere to your home and still have your morning cup of joe.

Designate A Section

The most important part of a coffee shop is the fact that it's a coffee shop. In order to truly bring that atmosphere to your home, you should designate a specific section for all your coffee things. Having a full kitchen is not necessary, but you could have a certain coffee table, your coffee machine, some mugs, and of course some chairs or stools set aside.

You might consider setting up your section near a window or outside (if you have a garden or porch). This way, you can drink your coffee and watch the world go by, or sit and read a book/magazine. If you aren't sure where to start, Pinterest has great DIY coffee areas for your home that might inspire you.

Perk Up Your DecoR

The first thing you should add to you home coffee station is a chalkboard. Chalkboards scream the café vibe, especially if they feature the origin of the beans you use. Chalkboards can also be filled with doodles, inspirational messages, quotes, or coffee-related facts.

Along with chalkboards, you should fill your wall space with some coffee-themed artwork. Many coffee shops are very literal in their decorations and have pictures of coffee mugs, tables, chairs, and the bar. You might also consider maps and infographics about the coffee you are using.

Your decorations don't have to stop at wall art though. Like mentioned above, having some books or magazines adds another layer of coziness to you coffee shop at home. Even if you'll never pick them up, having a bookshelf or magazine tray adds to the atmosphere. You could also have some coffee grounds around to get a real smell of coffee in your house. Check out other creative ways to use coffee grounds for more ideas.

Have Some Greenery

Adding some plants to your coffee area is sure to spice it up. Greenery will make your space look more put together, and create a calm, stress-relieving atmosphere that coffee shops are famous for. There are many different ways you could incorporate greenery such as hanging planters or potted plants. Combining  your potted plants and your chalkboard would also provide a stylish option.

Have A Great Playlist

Even if you have all the essentials for your coffee shop at home, it wouldn't be complete without a great playlist. Having the perfect music playing in the background is what will pull it all together. The reason people love coffee shops is because they aren't too loud, and not too quiet. Jazz or holiday music is usually the best when it comes to background music that won't distract you. You could create your own playlist with your favorite songs or find some soothing playlists on YouTube or Spotify. If music playing for you isn't working, you could search for some coffee shop noises and have that as your background instead.

Once you've put together you're perfect coffee spot at home, the only thing left to do is brew some coffee. Sit back and enjoy your new coffee shop at home.